Saturday, March 19, 2011


By the time that the authors of this blog had first encountered Queen Boxxy of 4chan /b/, the war which had been fought mercilessly by vigilantes on both sides of the conflict had ceased.

All that remained of this online blitzkrieg was an insurmountable number of her loyal subjects, countless captioned iconic portraits, the three videos of hers that started and ended it all, and the mighty empire known as the Internet which was still reeling from her impact. The one thing was missing in it all was the queen herself.

Boxxy had vanished.


Catie, known universally as Boxxy, was just a regular girl. She was no different from many other young, pubescent girls who sit behind their web cams for different reasons, whether it be to show off their developing breasts and figures, give shout-outs to friends, give an opinion on the latest pop culture trend, or simply talk crap about crap. Still, there was something about her that managed to entrance more than half the Net like the song of a siren.


With her dark, layered chocolate brown hair, her smooth, flawless peaches and cream skin pulled over her delicate but pronounced Greco-American features, the heavy black kohl encircling her clear brown eyes, Catie was by no means unattractive. That was how she was and how she wanted Boxxy to be.


Looking back at the videos that made her one of the biggest Internet sensations of all time and the target of Anonymous' hatred, it is hard to understand exactly why her lovers and haters were so fixated with her. Her three videos contain nothing of value and are not very impressive at the outset. Indeed, in Boxxy's hyperactive state, it is often difficult to follow, much less understand, what she's talking about.

Catie never intended to start any drama whatsoever. She only wished to have pure, clean fun; to enjoy herself. This innocent fun earned her the full wrath of the Net's most fearsome group: Anonymous. Net 2.0 can make you or break you. In this case, it did both.